Web Application Penetration Testing evaluates the vulnerabilities of web applications by analyzing the unshielded defenses within the web applications which are so widely used in all Enterprises today.
Web applications prove to be the most fragile of all when it comes to security in most of the organizations. Being the most accessible publicly and the most preferred touch point for most stakeholders, web applications face the maximum risk of being breached and lead malicious attackers into the system. It is then important to integrate a conducive and fool proof web application penetration testing technique into the workflows of the system.
Robust system design plans to expect and circumvent possible threats and defects prior to deployment can fail because of the rapid increase in complexity and the sheer volumes of the web enabled transactions and interactions today. Undetected errors lying within the application makes it imperative to scan through these anomalies and explore them through Web Application Penetration Testing comprehending the negligence and the harm that can be caused if left unchecked.
Web Application Penetration Testing is the call of the day to identify and assess web security loop holes before coming face to face in a real time environment.
Data Sources
Analyze Outcomes
Counter attack plans
Broken Authentication and Session Management
Cross-Site Scripting
Insecure Direct Object References
Security Misconfiguration
Sensitive Data Exposure
Missing Function Level Access Control
Cross-Site Request Forgery
Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
Invalidated Redirects and Forwards